PDD 48002
AB255557 - efa
AB255536 - hsp
AB255506 - gpd
AB255480 - cam
NG_064171 - 28S ribosomal RNA
Note: as CBS 743.94
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Vu, D.; Groenewald, M.; de Vries, M.; Gehrmann, T.; Stielow, B.; Eberhardt, U.; Al-Hatmi, A.; Groenewald, J.Z.; Cardinali, G.; Houbraken, J.; Boekhout, T.; Crous, P.W.; Robert, V.; Verkley, G.J.M. (2019)Large-scale generation and analysis of filamentous fungal DNA barcodes boosts coverage for kingdom fungi and reveals thresholds for fungal species and higher taxon delimitation.Studies in Mycology92(1)135-154. DOI: 10.1016/j.simyco.2018.05.001
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